Saturday, June 28, 2008

You & You Alone

As much as you have to take from this universe, you have much to give also. Have courage to give.

As much as you want to remain closeted within your four walls, you have the whole earth under the sky to open up. Have strength of mind to launch yourself!

As much you need this world to exist, this world needs you too to exist.

Do not be afraid to give out your best. You are so Personally Precious and Characteristically Unique.

Crave, don't cry, for the appetite within you to reach the best in you.


Better muster power latent in you and take control of a crisis situation, as no amount of brooding or resignation has ever helped anyone!.


Somebody somewhere believes in you! If you have not yet recognized him,it's time you do!! He is neither branded nor celebrated!

This somebody could be You and You alone!

Don't Waste your Life Believing You Can't

In 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida, Laura Shultz, who was 63 then, picked up the back end of a Buick to get it off her grandson's arm. Before that time, she had never lifted anything heavier than a 50-pound bag..

Dr. Charles Garfield, author of Peak Performance, interviewed her and got her to talk about "the event." She said she didn't like to think about it because it challenged her beliefs about what she could and couldn't do. She said, "If I was able to do this when I didn't think I could, what does that say about the rest of my life? How have I wasted it?"

Charlie convinced her that her life was not yet over and that she could still do whatever she wanted to do. He asked her what she wanted to do, what her passion was. She said she had always loved rocks. She had wanted to study geology, but her parents hadn't had enough money to send both her and her brother to college, so her brother had won out.

At 63, with a little coaching from Charlie, she decided to go back to school to study geology. She eventually got her degree and went on to teach at a local community college.

Don't wait until you are 63 to decide that you can do anything you want. Don't waste years of your life. Decide that you are capable of doing anything you want and start working toward it now.

From "The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield:

I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity not to know what can't be done.

– Henry Ford

Friday, June 27, 2008

Mathemajics & Memory

The speed, capacity and efficiency of our memory depend, to a degree, on our mental make-up and the knowledge of divergent fields. Man's mind once stretched by new exercises as the ones below never goes back to its original dimensions.


1 to 10 i.e. 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10

Multiply last number by a number next to it and divide by 2 : i.e. (10x11) /2 = 55

For 1 to 20, Add 100 to 55 , for 21 to 30, add 200 to 55, and like wise >>>>

11 to 20 >> 155

21 to 30 >> 255

31 to 40 >> 355 and carry on likewise.


Multiplication of 2 nos whose diff is 2. >>> Say 14 x 16

1. Take Middle No. >>> 15

2. Squre it >>>> 225

3. Minus 1 >>>>> 224

4. Answer is 224.


Multiplication of two 2 digit numbers whose 'ten' digits are same and 'unit' digits' sum is 10. Like 47 x 43 >>>>> 4 same 7+3 =10.


1. Multiply Ten Digit Number by next whole no >>> 4 x 5 = 20

2. Multiply Unit Digit Nos together >>> 7 x 3 = 21

3. Answer is 2021


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Peace Invades

A king once offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures. There were only two from the many which he really liked. But the choice was difficult.

One picture was of a calm lake, a perfect mirror for towering mountains all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. A perfect picture of peace.

The other picture had mountains too but rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky with lightening and thunder and it poured furiously! Down the mountain side, a foaming waterfall hammered on rocks below.

The king had a close look at both the pictures. He chose the second to the surprise of all.

The close quick look saw behind the intimidating waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush, a mother bird had built her nest where she sat in perfect peace nursing the babies.

The King explained his choice, "Peace does not mean just a quiet place where there is no noise, danger or hard work. Peace found by the bush and the bird in the depth of their hearts in the midst of all that lightening and thunder and the rock-and-roll water fall has also true meaning of Peace.

Peace does not dwell in the outward things but within the soul. We may preserve it in the midst of bitterest pain if our will remain firm and submissive. Peace in this life springs from acquiescence, not in an exemption from suffering…. Fenelon

Monday, June 23, 2008

Reduce the Load on Knees

To keep our mobility intact beyond Sixties into our Nineties, we need to start building up quadriceps (Front of thigh) and hamstring muscles (Back of thigh) right from childhood. To keep them in trim with age, we need to do the following exercises regularly within the framework of staying power and comfort levels.

Weak Inflexible Sluggish Quadriceps and Hamstring Muscles will increase the load on Knees for worse.


1) Stand upright with feet slightly apart and hands stretched upwards.

2) With straight back in line with head, slowly bend knees (not waist) controlling movement down within comfort level.

3) Ensure that knees follow the same line as toes.

4) Return smoothly to starting position with ease.

5) Breathe in as you go down, out as you come up.

6) Graduate slowly to 5-10-15… ups and downs.

7) Graduate slowly keeping feet raised on toes both ways.


1) Lie flat on your back with stretched legs.

2) Bend right knee with bottom of foot flat on the floor.

3) Raise left leg straight in air supported by hands if need be.

4) Softly straighten left leg from knee.

5) Feel the hamstring stretch within comfort limit.

6) Repeat exchanging legs.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Quick Beer on a Full Belly

The class was amazed to see on the Lecturer's desk a bag of sand, a bag of pebbles, some big rocks and a bucket. It was time for a pre-exam lecture on time management. He beacons an undergraduate to come on the platform and fill up the bucket.

A thoughtless novice starts with the sand, then the pebbles, then wastes lot of time pushing in the rocks, which not all fit in the bucket and makes a mess.

"Isn't that poor time and thought management" shrills the lecturer, "If you'd have put the rocks first, then the pebbles, then the sand, all three would have fit to the full. This is much like time management, in that by completing your biggest tasks first, you leave room to complete your medium tasks, then your smaller ones in given time. By getting lost into your smallest tasks first, you spend so much time on them, you leave yourself unable to complete either medium or large tasks satisfactorily.

And the lecturer re-fills the bucket, big rocks first, then pebbles, then sand, shaking the bucket between each so that everything fits. And heaves a sigh of anticipation of thunderous clapping.

"But Sir," Walks in one student, slouched at the back of the class, "you've forgotten one thing…..."

At which the student approaches the bucket, produces a can of lager, opens it, pours into the bucket and quips with a smile, "No matter, Sir, how much full, your bucket or belly is, there's always time, space and thought for a quick beer."


A Health Officer drives into a village to check what precautions the villagers are taking for pure drinking water.

The Village Head assures the Bureaucrat that they chlorinate the village Pond, discourage activities like swimming, washing in the pond, collect water from the pond in clean utensils and boil water. Even then for the sake of safety, they drink beer only!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


The renowned business consultant Peter Drucker said, "The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say 'I.' They think 'We.' They think 'Team.' They understand their job is to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don't sidestep it, but 'We' gets the credit…This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done."

A Leader Should :

1) Provide vision for the future.
2) Provide inspiration.
3) Make other people feel important and appreciated.
4) Live your values. Behave ethically.
5) Set the pace through your expectations and example.
6) Establish an environment of continuous improvement.
7) Provide opportunities for people to grow, both personally and professionally.
8) Care and act with compassion.


Nature or Nurture is a question often asked about leadership. The combination of innate natural leadership skills and nurture through leadership development defines one's leadership style.

Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right things."

How do leaders emerge?

1) Some personality traits may lead people naturally into leadership roles.

2) A crisis or important event may cause a person to rise to the occasion, which brings out extraordinary leadership qualities in an ordinary person.

3) People choose to become leaders, learning leadership skills through a transformational attitude/approach.

The first and the most important characteristic of a leader is the decision to become a leader - the decision to provide others with vision, direct the course of future events and inspire others to success.

Leadership requires the individual to practice dominance and take charge, formulating the appropriate mix of traits, skills and ambition. Exhibiting a unique blend of charisma, vision and character traits that attract people to follow them.

The power of an organization's leaders in creating the organization's values, environment, culture and actions is immeasurable.

As an organization leader, manager or supervisor, you are responsible for creating a work environment that enables people to thrive.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

SUGAR FREE ??? We are being Cheated..

Most crash diet programs are high in proteins and low in carbohydrates. Water in the body attaches itself to a substance called glycogen, and the level of glycogen in the body is controlled by carbohydrate intake. Thus when a crash diet reduces drastically intake of carbohydrates, body's level of carbohydrates drops and so also level of body's water/fluid level. Once the normal diet of carbohydrates is resumed, body regains.

we are cheated into believing that weight loss was fat? As a matter of fact, loss in weight was due to loss of water in body and/or muscle tissue and not because of loss of fat. Once the crash program is over, water replaces itself automatically with body getting back its weight.

If crash diet is continued for long, may be some fat too is lost. But along with that is lost also lean tissue of some vital body muscles and organs. And that is dangerous. After the crash diet program is over, fat tissue will be regained but not lean tissue. Hence it is paradoxical that a person will gain more weight once the crash diet program is over.

Better to follow our instinctive basicS > balanced staple meals-program with balanced intake of protein, carbohydrates and fiber augmented by Daily Walks, Free Arms/Aerobic Exercise, Deep Breathing and Yoga which should account for loss of fat. And strengthen immune system. Why lose organ / muscle tissue through crash dieting? Diet programs do not highlight these facts as they would want to play on our sentiments of embarrassment, sense of helplessness and lack of strength of will and thus win us over to their crash calculations.

1) Anything labeled at the grocery store as "low fat", "sugar free", "low-carb", or "whole grain" are no good for you as you're being regularly deceived by the clever marketing of huge multi-million food corporations...

2) Most foods labeled as "sugar free" or "low-carb" actually contain artificial sweeteners, sugar alcohols, and other additives that create a hormonal mess inside your body, actually stimulating your body to STORE more belly fat and stimulate cravings!

3) In fact, doing excessive exercises also actually works against your results because you are stimulating excessive cortisol production in your body and breaking down lean muscle tissue... all of which leads to the slowing down of your metabolic rate over time and deposition of even more belly fat on top of what you already have.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


In a small town in India, an enterprising fellow decided to open a Bar right opposite the Temple. The Temple priest and local community were outraged and started a campaign to block the coming up of the Bar with daily congregation and prayers against the evils of a Drinking Hole. They even filed a petition in the local court.

Work however continued to progress. By the time the whole structure came up, a lightning struck the edifice and it was razed to the ground.

The temple folks and devotees were simply delighted by the benevolent act of God. The Bar owner filed a counter petition now in the same court and sued the Temple authorities for the damage and destruction caused to his property on the grounds that but for their congregations and prayers, God would not have come down mercilessly on his fate.

Scared of heavy compensation in case so decreed by the court, the temple authorities vehemently denied any responsibility for the kind act of God through their prayers.

As the case progressed, the Judge remarked, "I don't know how I'm going to decide this case, but it appears from the proceedings conducted so far that we have a bar owner who believes in the power of prayer and we have an entire temple and its devotees who don't.!"